Anime World

Welcome to the Best Anime Bookstore!

15% Off Any Item of Your Choice for the First Order!

Manga Melech
Manga Melech
Manga Melech
Manga Mutiny
Manga Mutiny
Manga Mutiny

Why Choose Us?

Anime World offers you the lowest price throughout the Internet! We know that you love anime, so we want to make anime more affordable for every customer. We also provide a new special service! If you are having trouble finding the book that you want, contact us through email or give us a phone call, we will try our best to search it for you. Because we value every customer that shares the same passion as we do, we hope you can enjoy the book you want. Anime World is passionate about anime. Our team promises to donate 10 percent of the annual profit to support educating new comic artists. Come to shop on Anime! A great experience is waiting for you.

Books can also provoke emotions. And emotions sometimes are even more troublesome than ideas. Emotions have led people to do all sorts of things they later regret-like, oh, throwing a book at someone else.

Pseudonymous Bosch
The Name of This Book Is Secret

About Us

Chu Chu

store owner

My name is Chu Chu. I created this business about a year ago. Personally, I am a crazy anime lover. I have read more than 1,000 anime books since I was in primary school. When I was younger, I had to save money from lunch or dinner so I could read more comic stories. My childhood experience inspired me to build this online bookstore business. I hope students who love anime can purchase anime books with the cheapest price so they do not need to starve themselves. It was a very simple start, but my team grew bigger and bigger during this year. There are 8 employers who are working for Anime World right now. They are all anime lovers like me! We enjoy our jobs and we truly hope we can bring the joy from anime to more people! 



11 W 42nd St, New York, NY 10036

Business Hours

Monday - Friday 

9 a.m. - 8 p.m.


11 a.m. - 5 p.m.

